Read my blogs

Ways to get your Dream job in product based companies if you are from tier 3 college.

June, 2020

We will talk about paths Or ways to land your dream job if you are from tier 3 colleges.

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Journey to the world of Open Source

Oct, 2020

Today during this journey to the world of open source we will talk about some interesting topics

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Launch Event of Bits To Bytes

Nov, 2020

In this blog, We will talk about the launch event of the Bits to Bytes programming club of GEC Bhavnagar. We hosted the same on the official

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Learn Git and Github in 5 minutes

Jan, 2021

Hello Everyone, We Organized an event Introduction To Git and Github in which we discussed Git, Github, open-source, Github Readme Profile, and

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Promises in JavaScript

May, 2022

Hey there! Today in this blog we will discuss what is promise in javaScript, different states of promises, methods of promises, and how to create your own promises and resources that I used. So Let’s get into it!!

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State management in React with useContext and useReducer

May, 2022

Hello everyone, 👋 Today in this blog we will discuss how to do state management in react app with useContext and useReducer. Managing state by passing props to every component can be very hectic..

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